Saturday 6 November 2010

Platjes, mar, flors i més

3 setmanes passen ràpid i ja hem tornat a casa! Han estat tres setmanes de platja, peixos, sorra, sol (de tant en tant) i flors.  I apart de molts bons records i moltes fotos, hem portat també unes teles de flors. Aquestes teles les utilitzen a Nouvelle Caledonie com a regal pels jefes quan es visita una tribu. Jo ja estic pensant quines altres idees puc tenir per fer amb aquestes teles!

3 weeks go by very quickly and we are back home! Those have been 3 weeks of beaches, sand, fisches, sun (from time to time) and flowers. And apart from good memories and a lot of pictures, we have also brought back some fabrics. In New Caledonia they used them as a gift to the chief when they visit a tribe. I'm already thinking what other uses I can have for those fabrics!

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