Saturday 29 January 2011

Que no es refredin les idees!

Les meves amigues van venir a Suissa a esquiar i per assegurar-me que no passarien fred, vaig fer un gorro per cada una, de diferents colors i amb el meu logo a un costat. El patró es el very warm hat de Raverly. Algún que altre pom pom ballava una mica, però ho vam poder arreglar! I ara ja estàn llestes pel fred!

My friends came to Switzerland to ski and to make sure that they would not be cold, I did a hat for each one of them, in different colors and with my logo on one side. The pattern is the very warm hat pattern that can be found in Raverly. Some of the pom poms where moving a little bit, but we could arrange that. And now they are ready for the cold!

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