In this shop in Zürich, that also sells online, you can find a lot of fabrics and ribbons, as well as furniture, toys and clothes for kids. Almost all fabrics are designed for kids, but you can use them for a lot of different things! Lotti's Welt
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Lotti's Welt
En aquesta botiga de Zürich, que també ven online, podreu trobar moltes teles i cintes, apart de mobles, joguines i roba per nens i nenes. Gaire totes les teles són de dissenys infantils, però es poden fer servir per moltes altres coses!! Lotti's Welt
In this shop in Zürich, that also sells online, you can find a lot of fabrics and ribbons, as well as furniture, toys and clothes for kids. Almost all fabrics are designed for kids, but you can use them for a lot of different things! Lotti's Welt
In this shop in Zürich, that also sells online, you can find a lot of fabrics and ribbons, as well as furniture, toys and clothes for kids. Almost all fabrics are designed for kids, but you can use them for a lot of different things! Lotti's Welt
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Gorro de gall...
Since I discovered Ravelry, I cannot stop to download patterns and ideas, much more quicker than what I can knit! One of the firsts that I downloaded was this chicken hat. It is sized for babys and I still have to try it to see how it looks when a baby has it on!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Segon projecte: Pijama
Segon projecte de Weekend Sewing: un pijama. He introduït alguns canvis respecte al patró del llibre, vaig fer uns shorts en lloc de uns pantalons llargs i vaig posar una cinta al davant del pantaló. No em va sortir perfecte, ja que la cinta no dona la volta, sinó que hi ha un elàstic. La cinta esta cosida al "dobladillo" i ho vaig cosir al costat equivocat. Però no es veu gaire :-)
La tela i la cinta (de la Caputxeta Vermella) les vaig comprar de Lotti's Welt.
Here my second project of the Weekend Sewing book: a pijama. I introduced some changes to the pattern of the books, I did some shorts instead of a long pants and I put a ribbon on the front. It's not perfect, as I put the ribbon on the wrong side of the casing, and as the ribbon doesn't go around the waist (there is an elastic for that), you can see (just a little bit :-) ) the stitches through the buttonholes. The fabric and the ribbon (the Little Red Riding Hood) are from Lotti's Welt.
Here my second project of the Weekend Sewing book: a pijama. I introduced some changes to the pattern of the books, I did some shorts instead of a long pants and I put a ribbon on the front. It's not perfect, as I put the ribbon on the wrong side of the casing, and as the ribbon doesn't go around the waist (there is an elastic for that), you can see (just a little bit :-) ) the stitches through the buttonholes. The fabric and the ribbon (the Little Red Riding Hood) are from Lotti's Welt.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Mitjons japonesos
Friday, 13 August 2010
El meu primer post
Per fi el meu primer post en el meu nou blog. I potser no estaria mal explicar de què va, més que res perquè tampoc sé gaire com començar... A més, estic tant acostumada a escriure en anglés que em costa escriure en català!
Ja fa temps que cuso i faig mitja, però fins fa uns mesos no havia descobert les possibilitats i recursos que es poden trobar a Internet i nomes sabia fer bufandes i bolsos senzills. Però ara que sé tot el que es pot trobar, he començat a intentar coses noves i és casi una obsessió! Així que precisament aixo penjaré al meu blog, el meus projectes, comentant on he trobat dificultats i on trobo bons consells. No crec que sigui res de molt nou, però si més pararé de enviar constantment fotos de tot el que cuso a la meva família i amics.
Hi, finally my new post in my new blog. Maybe I should explain what this is about... because I don't know how to start anyway.
I've been sewing and knitting for some time, but until some months ago I haven't discovered the amazing possibilities that Internet gives you. So now I'm almost becoming addict on trying new stuff! And that is what this blog is going to be about, about my projects and crafts and about the difficulties I had and where I found good tips. I don't think that is anything very new, but at least I will stop to send constantly pictures of my crafts to my family! I will also try to post in English as quite a lot of people I know don't speak catalan ...
Ja fa temps que cuso i faig mitja, però fins fa uns mesos no havia descobert les possibilitats i recursos que es poden trobar a Internet i nomes sabia fer bufandes i bolsos senzills. Però ara que sé tot el que es pot trobar, he començat a intentar coses noves i és casi una obsessió! Així que precisament aixo penjaré al meu blog, el meus projectes, comentant on he trobat dificultats i on trobo bons consells. No crec que sigui res de molt nou, però si més pararé de enviar constantment fotos de tot el que cuso a la meva família i amics.
Hi, finally my new post in my new blog. Maybe I should explain what this is about... because I don't know how to start anyway.
I've been sewing and knitting for some time, but until some months ago I haven't discovered the amazing possibilities that Internet gives you. So now I'm almost becoming addict on trying new stuff! And that is what this blog is going to be about, about my projects and crafts and about the difficulties I had and where I found good tips. I don't think that is anything very new, but at least I will stop to send constantly pictures of my crafts to my family! I will also try to post in English as quite a lot of people I know don't speak catalan ...
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