Thursday, 30 September 2010

Huricanne Hat

No ho he pogut evitar i com els mitjons que estic fent no m'apassionen i estava una mica desmotivada, he començat el HuricanneHat (vaig trobar el patró a Raverly). Quan vaig començar em pensava que la llana era massa prima (llana Merino Alpaca, Agulles del 4.5) i que no es veuria la tira que va girant, però si que es veu! 

I couldn't avoid it and as I wasn't very motivated with the socks I was doing, I started the Hurricanne Hat (I found the pattern in Raverly). When I started I thought that the yarn would be too thin for those needles (yarn Merino Alpaca, 4.5 DPN) an that the stitch that goes around the hat would not be seen, but you can see it! 

Sunday, 26 September 2010


He començat un nou parell de mitjons, aquesta vegada normals (no tindran els dits separats). La llana no es la més maca, pero es una que vaig comprar abans de fer la comanda per internet i la volia aprofitar. Les fotos son de diferents dies :-)
I have began a new pair of socks, this time normal ones (they will not have the toes separated). The yarn is not the nicest one, but I bought that one before buying more on the internet and as I was looking for a soft one, I didn't have much choice on the colors. I'm using double 2.5mm  pointed needles, which makes the knitting of the socks a little bit longer than the previous ones...

Sunday, 19 September 2010



Algunes fotos de alguns detallets que vaig fer per portar de regal en la meva ultima visita a Barcelona.
Some pictures of some small things I brought as a present on my last trip to Barcelona

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Comprar llana per Internet

Acabo de rebre la meva primera comanda de llana per internet. Vaig estar mirant quina era la millor llana per fer mitjons (busco una llana prima i agradable, de manera a poder fer servir els mitjons que vaig que sino son molt gruixuts!). Vaig llegir que Koigu i Lorna's Laces eren els millors i vaig fer la comanda a El paquet em va arribar molt ràpid! Una llàstima que la llana Lorna es més verda que grisa...
I just received my first yarn order over internet. I was reading was the best yarn was for socks (I'm looking for something thin and comfortable to wear everyday). I read that Koigu and Lorna's Laces where the best and I did order some on The order came very quick! Just a pity that the Lorna's Laces where more green than what I expected...