Per fi marxo de vacances! Estaré tres setmanes fora i espero tornar amb tot de teles de estil tropical!
Finally I'm going on holidays! I'll be out three weeks and I hope to come back with a lot of tropical fabrics!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010
I don't like reggae, I love it...
This is the Slouchy Beret from Raverly, but I called it my "reggae hat" :-) . I used dpn of 7mm . I could have used bigger needles, it would have been a little more slouchy then !
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Aquest jerseit tant mono no l'he fet jo sinó una amiga! Però he pensat que valia la pena afegir-lo al blog, perqué li ha quedat molt bé!
This very cute small pullover isn't done by me, but comes from one of my friends! It looked so nice, that I had to put it on the blog!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
He acabat el "Hurricane Hat"! Tot i alguns problemes que vaig tenir (punts que s'em van escapar i altres... gràcies a la meva mare ho vaig recuperar :-), el gorro no queda malament. Si te'l mires a la mà, es veuen molts els forats pero posat queda bastant bé. Li vaig afegir una espècie de flor que vaig fer amb una punta negra i estic bastant orgullosa del resultat!
I finished the Hurricane Hat! Despite some problems that I had with some stitches (thanks to my mum I could recuperate that), the hat doesn't look bad! If you look at it carefully, you can see some holes and so, but if you wear it, it looks fine! I added a sort of flower done with a black stripe that I had and I'm quite happy with the result. I already started a new hat, with thicker yarn, should be quick...
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