My friends came to Switzerland to ski and to make sure that they would not be cold, I did a hat for each one of them, in different colors and with my logo on one side. The pattern is the very warm hat pattern that can be found in Raverly. Some of the pom poms where moving a little bit, but we could arrange that. And now they are ready for the cold!
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Que no es refredin les idees!
My friends came to Switzerland to ski and to make sure that they would not be cold, I did a hat for each one of them, in different colors and with my logo on one side. The pattern is the very warm hat pattern that can be found in Raverly. Some of the pom poms where moving a little bit, but we could arrange that. And now they are ready for the cold!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Més sabatilles
Aquí unes altres sabatilles del llibre Weekend Sewing. Aquesta vegada he fet una bossa per portar les sabatilles (ara són sabatilles de viatge).
Here another pair of slippers done with the pattern from Weekend Sewing. This time I made a bag to carry them, so they are now Travel Slippers!
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Uns 6 mesos més tard d'haver comprat la tela, finalment m'he decidit a fer el pijama! L'he fet com els altres que havia fet d'estiu, però aquesta vegada amb pantalons llargs i a més hi he afegit butxaques (m'han quedat una mica baixes però tampoc és un drama!
6 months after buying the fabrics, I finally did the pijama! I did like it did the summer ones, following the Weekend Sewing pattern (see older posts), but this time with longer pants and I added the pockets (they are a little bit low, but it is not that bad!)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Instruccions per cosir una bossa per joguines - Toy Bag Tutorial
(English below - this is my first tutorial, so I'm sorry if instructions are not 100% clear... )
Aquesta bossa està pensada perqué es pugui omplir i tancar fàcilment . Jo la utilitzo per guardar uns animals de fusta de la meva neboda, però es poden trobar mil altres utilitats!
La gràcia de la bossa sòn les teles, és trobar dues teles diferents però que vagin bé juntes i una tercera tela o cinta.
Es necesita:
· 2 Teles de més o menys de , o de la grandària que es vulgui fer la bossa (en el meu cas)
· 1 cinta de més o menys (o dues diferents, una per cada banda)
· Fil d’un color que vaig bé amb la tela que quedarà per fora
Es comença tallant les teles del mateix tamany. Després s’ajunten del revés (és a dir la part interior de la tela per fora) i es cusen pels laterals.
Es planxen les costures cap a un costat i es dona la volta a les teles.
S’agafa el dalt i es plega en dues vegades (una vegada, es planxa, i després una altre). Es cus per sota, de manera a que quedi espai per fer pasar la cinta. A les puntes, perqué quedi més maco, jo les doblego endins a la primera volta i ho planxo.
Es fa el mateix amb la part de sota.
Dobleguem la bossa ajuntant la part de dalt i la part de baix.
Es pasa la cinta que tancarà la bossa per el “dalt” i el “baix”. La mateixa cinta passa per les dues parts , i surt del mateix costat que ha entrat. D’aquesta manera quan estirem les dues cintes, la bossa es tancarà.
Amb una agulla de cap, engatxem la cinta a baix de la bossa com a la foto (tindrem dos trossos de cinta, els hem de tenir engantxats junts.
Cosim els laterals de la bossa, intentant cosir bastant arran, i fent atenció a ben cosir la part on hi han les cintes (es pot cosir vàries vegades per reforçar la costura).
Es dona la volta a la bossa i “voilà”!
This bag is done so that it can be opened and closed easily. I used it to keep some wooden animals of my niece, but you can find thousand other applications. To make the bag look good you, you need to combine 2 nice fabrics that are different but go good together.
You will need:
· 2 fabrics, more or less of ( or any size you like)
· 1 ribbon of more or less (you can also use 2 different ribbons, one for each size)
You begin cutting the fabric with the same size. Afterwards you put them together, but upside down (the good faces of the fabric are facing each other) and you sew the laterals.
Do the same on the other side and fold the fabric, putting the top and the back together, the exterior part of the bag on the interior.
Put the ribbon on the “top” and the “bottom”. The same ribbon goes through both sides, and goes out on the same side that went in. That way, if you pull on the 2 ribbons at the same time, the bag will close.
The ribbons have to then be pinned at the bottom of the bag, as in the picture. (make sure that you pin both ribbons at the same distance from the bottom) .
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Very warm men scarf
Abans de Nadal vaig acabar la "very warm men scarf". El punt és díficil de fer al principi, però al final li agafes el "truco" i no és tan complicat. I queda molt maco, i molt gruixut!
Before Christmas I finished the very warm men scarf. The stitch is a little bit difficult to learn, but at the end you get how to do it and it's not that complicated. And it looks very nice and very thick!
Before Christmas I finished the very warm men scarf. The stitch is a little bit difficult to learn, but at the end you get how to do it and it's not that complicated. And it looks very nice and very thick!
Thursday, 6 January 2011
More Purl Bee
Aquest cop és la meva germana que ha anat a New York i que m'ha portat teles del Purl Bee!
This time it was my sister that went to NY and that brought me some fabrics from the Purl Bee!
This time it was my sister that went to NY and that brought me some fabrics from the Purl Bee!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Petit Pan Paris - per teles i més!
Aquest Nadal he estat a Paris i he descobert que Petit Pan, una botiga de roba i coses per nens, ven les teles, cintes i demés amb que utilitzen ells! Tenen coses molt mones, a sota algunes de les que he comprat!
This Christmas I was in Paris and I found out that Petit Pan, they do kid's stuff, sells the fabrics, buttons and other stuff that they use! They have very nice things, here some of the stuff I bought!
This Christmas I was in Paris and I found out that Petit Pan, they do kid's stuff, sells the fabrics, buttons and other stuff that they use! They have very nice things, here some of the stuff I bought!
Saturday, 1 January 2011
El Zoo de L'Emma
Aquest és el regal que el Pare Noel li ha portat a la meva neboda Emma de part meva :-). Son uns animals de fusta amb una tros de tela per posar al terra i per jugar. Està fet de cotó blanc, amb arbres i animals que han estat impresos en un paper especial que després es planxa perqué els dibuixos quedin a la tela. Tot junt va ficat en una bossa, de la qual penjaré fotos i un tutorial en quan pugui!
That is the gift that Santa Claus brought to my niece Emma. Those are wooden animlas with a piece of fabric to put on the floor and play. It is made of white cotton; with trees and animals that haven been printed in a special paper and then ironed on the fabric. And everything on a bag, of which I will post some pictures and a tutorial as soon as I can!!
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