Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Quan les mosques tenen set, els mosquits volen tabaco II

He acabat el gorro que vaig començar la setmana passada. El patró es diu      . Em va costar una mica pillar el patró,  però en realitat es molt fàcil i es fa molt ràpid. La talla mitjana, que és la que vaig fer jo, queda una mica petita (en tot cas per mi, que tampoc és que tingui un cap tan gran). O sigui que recomanaria fer la gran en cas de dubte.

I finished the hat that I started last week. The pattern is called    . I took some time to understand the instructions, but in reality it is very easy and quick to do. The medium size, the one that I did, is a little bit small, at least in my case (and I don't think I have a huge head). I would recommend to do a bigger size in case of doubt.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Blog del Purl Bee - mil projectes ideals!

Buscant patrons al Raverly, he trobat aquest link per aquesta bufanda al blog del purl bee. La hem trobat molt mona i he decidit que val un post. Intentaré trobar la llana a Suissa per fer-la, i ja us diré com va. El punt sembla complicadet, però queda molt bé! Al blog del Purl hi ha mil altres projectes per fer cosint o en mitja.

Looking for patterns at Raverly, I found this link for this cowl on the purl bee blog. I found it soo cute that I decided I was worth a post. I will try to find the right yarn in Switzerland to do it and I'll keep you updated on how it goes! The stitch looks complicated but it looks great! On the Purl Bee blog there are also other sewing and knitting projects, I highly recommend it!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Quan les mosques tenen set, els mosquits volen tabaco

Com que encara no havia equipat a tothom pel fred polar que fa a Suissa, estic fent un altre gorro, seguint un patrò com sempre del  Raverly. M'he oblidat del nom, el posaré amb la foto del gorro acabat!

As I didn't equipped everyone for the cold in Switzerland, I'm now doing another hat, following a Raverly pattern as always. I forgot the pattern name, I'll post it with the foto of the finished hat!