Friday, 29 April 2011
La meva nova màquina de fer mitja!
Una de les coses que he recuperat per fer mitja és una màquina de fer mitja. No sabia ni que existien! Aquesta és dels anys 70 i té tot el necessari. L'he netejada i la he provada i funciona!!!! A youtube hi han uns video (dels anys 80, tot molt retro) que t'ensenyen a fer servir aquest tipus de màquina. Es pot fer mitja molt ràpid. Em sembla que no pots fer tots els tipus de punt, pero jerseis i jaquetes i mitjons.... uiiuiu em poso nerviosa només de pensar en tot el que es pot fer. A més la marca Phildar té revistes de patrons on ja et diuen quins patrons es poden fer a màquina i com fer-ho! Treu una mica la gràcia de fer mitja manual, pero si tenim em compte que no tinc paciència, aquesta és la unica manera en que puc fer jerseis per adults!.
Aquest és el resultat de la primera proba.
Here the result of the first try.
One of the things that I have recuperated is a knitting machine. I didn't even know they existed!!! This one if from the 70's and has everything needed. I have cleaned and tried it and it worked. In youtube you can find some videos on how to use those machines. You can knit really quick. I don't think you can do all types of knits, but you can do sweaters, socks... I get nervous if I think of everything that I can do. The brand Phildar has pattern magazines with instructions for knitting machines. It loses a little bit of the charm of knitting, but taking into account I'm not patient, using the machine might be the only way for me to do adult sweaters.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Jersei per bébé recient nascut
Per una amiga que ha tingut una nena, li he fet aquest jersei. És una patro que vaig trobar a internet i el vaig modificar perqué fos talla recient nascut (volia molt que li anés bé quan nasqués) i a més el vaig fer obert (jaqueta) per darrera perqué fos més fàcil de posar. Les mànigues m'han quedat petites ( 2- 3 cm de més hauria estat millor) i el jersei és molt just de talla, hauré de cambiar una mica el patro perqué no sigui tan petit. Ah i fer linies blanques petites en una jaqueta vol dir cosir moltes puntes de llana ja que cada passada s'ha de canviar el color i començar després a l'altre costat. Però valia la pena perqué m'agrada molt el resultat!
For a friend that just had a baby I made this small sweater. Is a pattern that I found on the internet and that I have modified to make it newborn size ( I wanted that it would fit when the baby was born) and I did it open in the back so that it would be easier for the mother. The sleeves are a little bit too short (2 or 3 cm would have been better) and the sweater is a little bit tight. I will change the pattern to take that into account and to make sure it is not that small. Doing small white lines can be painful, as you have to start on one side and then cut the yarn on the other one and sew them all that the end, but the result was very good!
For a friend that just had a baby I made this small sweater. Is a pattern that I found on the internet and that I have modified to make it newborn size ( I wanted that it would fit when the baby was born) and I did it open in the back so that it would be easier for the mother. The sleeves are a little bit too short (2 or 3 cm would have been better) and the sweater is a little bit tight. I will change the pattern to take that into account and to make sure it is not that small. Doing small white lines can be painful, as you have to start on one side and then cut the yarn on the other one and sew them all that the end, but the result was very good!
Monday, 25 April 2011
Moltes coses noves!
Aquestes vacances he aconseguit moltes coses noves per fer mitja! Entre les quals hi han unes instruccions antigues de com fer diferents punts de mitja. Aniré traduint les instruccions dels punts més interestants o aquells que vagi probant.
Those holidays I have gotten a lot of things to knit! Among those, I have some old instructions on how to make different knits (in French). I will translate the most interesting one or the ones that I try!
Those holidays I have gotten a lot of things to knit! Among those, I have some old instructions on how to make different knits (in French). I will translate the most interesting one or the ones that I try!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Lo prometido es deuda
He acabat les sabatilles per la meva germana (no puc més de fer aquestes sabatilles!!). He cambiat el ric-rac per una altre cinta, que resulta més fàcil de cosir i m'agrada com queda! Espero que aquestes no siguin massa petites.
I finished the home slippers for my sister (I'm a little bit sick of doing slippers!). I changed the rick- rack for another kind of ribbon, that it's easier to sew and that looks nice. I hope this ones will not be too small...
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Cap de setmana de costura - faldilla 2
Aquesta faldilla es fa molt molt molt ràpid. Necesita un tros de tela molt gran, perqué es talla una rodona sencera, però es cus realment molt ràpid. Té un elàstic a la cintura, cosa que fa que s'hagi de portar amb una camiseta una mica llarga perqué no es vegi, però l'elàstic la fa molt còmoda i s'adapta a variacions de pes :-) . Trobo que em va quedar una mica curta, però ara ja sé que hauré de tallar una mica més de roba la pròxima vegada.
This skirt is done really really quick. You only need a big piece of fabric, as it is cut in only one bit. There is an elastic band on the waist so you have to wear a long T-shirt so it won't show. But it is very comfortable and adapts to weight changes :-). Next time I will do it a little bit longer, it looks just a bit too short for me now.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Cap de setmana de costura
Aquest cap de setmana he cosit molt. El sol i la llum que entra a casa em donen ganes de cosir! Aniré "postant" les diverses coses que he acabat, però començo per el que m'agrada menys. Volia molt fer una faldilla del weekend sewing, una faldilla llarga molt estiuenca. Ho volia fer amb una roba de floretes. En vaig trobar una verda que em van encantar i es podia combinar amb una de puntets per fer la cintura de la faldilla. Quedava monissim! Resulta però que no hi havia prou roba verda (es necessiten 2.50 m per fer la faldilla). Llavors ja no sabia que fer. M'agrada molt els punts i les flors juntes! Tenia dos options: escollir una roba de flors groga i fer-ho tot amb la mateixa roba o fer una combinacio una mica rara de la roba verda i de puntets. Endevineu que vaig escollir... A veure quan aprenc a no ser tan impacient i a pensar les coses dues vegades, la faldilla no està malament, però tota groga hagués sigut millor! Per cert, la faldilla no està totalment acabada, falta fer el baix (que es fa a mà)
This weekend I have been sewing a lot. The sun and the light that I have on my sewing room make me want to sew! I will post the different stuff that I have finished, but I begin with what I like less. I wanted to do a skirt from weekend sewing, a long summer skirt. I wanted to use a flower fabric. I found a green one that I really liked and that I could combine with one dotted fabric for the belt. I looked great! But then it turned out there wasn't enough green fabric (you need quite a lot for the skirt). I didn't know what to do, I really like the combination! I had to options, either choose a yellow fabric and do everything with the same or then make a somehow weird combination of the green and dotted ones. Guess what I have chosen. I guess I have to learn not to be impatient and think twice. The skirt is not bad, but it would have looked much better all in yellow! The skirt is not yet finish, the hem is missing!
This weekend I have been sewing a lot. The sun and the light that I have on my sewing room make me want to sew! I will post the different stuff that I have finished, but I begin with what I like less. I wanted to do a skirt from weekend sewing, a long summer skirt. I wanted to use a flower fabric. I found a green one that I really liked and that I could combine with one dotted fabric for the belt. I looked great! But then it turned out there wasn't enough green fabric (you need quite a lot for the skirt). I didn't know what to do, I really like the combination! I had to options, either choose a yellow fabric and do everything with the same or then make a somehow weird combination of the green and dotted ones. Guess what I have chosen. I guess I have to learn not to be impatient and think twice. The skirt is not bad, but it would have looked much better all in yellow! The skirt is not yet finish, the hem is missing!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Mitja d'hivern, costura d'estiu
Quan arriba l'estiu tinc moltes més ganes de cosir i en canvi a l'hivern faig molta més mitja. A l'estiu la llana no ve gaire de gust i en canvi hi han moltes coses fàcils de cosir que es poden utilitzar a l'estiu: bosses, faldilles, shorts...
Així que amb el primer cap de setmana de bon temps, ja tinc moltes idees de noves coses: uns shorts amb les teles que vaig portar de Nova Caledonia, una faldilla del weekend sewing, un vestit per la neboda... I encara he d'acabar vàries coses!!!
When the summer comes I feel much more like sewing, and in winter I knit much more. In summer you just don't feel like knitting (and you don't use as much knitted stuff) and in summer there are a lot of sewed things that you can use: bags, shorts, skirts...
So, last weekend was the first weekend of good weather and I already have a lot of ideas: a shorts with the fabrics I brought from New Caledonia, a skirt from the weekend sewing book, a dress for my niece. So many new ideas and I still have a lot to finish!
Així que amb el primer cap de setmana de bon temps, ja tinc moltes idees de noves coses: uns shorts amb les teles que vaig portar de Nova Caledonia, una faldilla del weekend sewing, un vestit per la neboda... I encara he d'acabar vàries coses!!!
When the summer comes I feel much more like sewing, and in winter I knit much more. In summer you just don't feel like knitting (and you don't use as much knitted stuff) and in summer there are a lot of sewed things that you can use: bags, shorts, skirts...
So, last weekend was the first weekend of good weather and I already have a lot of ideas: a shorts with the fabrics I brought from New Caledonia, a skirt from the weekend sewing book, a dress for my niece. So many new ideas and I still have a lot to finish!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Canvis en el meu "atelier"
Avui hem anat a Ikea (hem aconseguit comprar tot el que necessitavem en una hora!!! estem impresionats de la nostra eficàcia). I hem cambiat una mica la habitacio de convidats/zona de costura. Hem comprat una estanteria molt senzilla i que jo trobo que queda bastant bé, és pràctica per guardar tot i a més és magnètica i puc penjar fotos i coses! Quan afegeixi el que em van regalar pel meu cumple (ja ho veureu... ) quedarà perfecte!
Today we went to Ikea ( we manage to get everything we needed in one hour, we are very proud of ourselves). We changed a little bit the guestroom/ sewing area. We bought a very simple shelf that I think looks good, is practical and is magnetic and I can hang photos and other things! When I will add the gift that I got from my birthday it will look great!
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