Friday, 25 November 2011


Ultimament no posto gaire. No és que no faci res, però tot ho preparo per la boda, i com que vull que sigui sorpresa, no puc penjar res (després de la boda, ja postaré fotos de tot!). Així que de moment, unes fotos de una bosseta molt senzilla que em vaig fer per dur al bolso.

Lately I don't post much. It is not that I'm not doing anything, but everything for the wedding, and as I want it to be a surprise, I cannot show anything. So for the moment, just a very simple small bag that I did to carry the small stuff that I have in my handbag.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

NEW! Crochet!

Estic molt orgullosa de mi mateixa perquè he aprés a fer ganxet. Feia temps ho havia probat i no m'havia acabat d'agradar, no li vaig agafar el "truco". Però volia molt aprendre a fer "amigurumis" (aquests monigotes de ganxet) així que ho vaig tornar a intentar.  I de moment no ho faig malament... però no us puc ensenyar el resultat, que és un regal!

I'm very proud of myself because I learned how to crochet! I had tried it long ago but I have really never gotten into it. Now I really wanted to learn to do amigurumis, and I tried again. I'm now more or less ok... but I can't show you what I'm working on because it's a gift!