Monday, 19 March 2012

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Boda: Primers nuvis

Una de les coses que vaig fer per la boda, són els nuvis. En vaig fer de dos tipus, uns petitets (només el cap) per deixar a sobre la taula per unes parelles de amics que es casen aviat, i uns de cos sencer que vaig donar. De moment us  poso fotos dels petits...
Estàn fets amb ganxet, i vaig prendre com a base un patró del raverly, que vaig adoptar després. El més complicat va ser el cabell. Una amiga de la feina em va haver d'ajudar, perqué jo no sabia com fer-ho.

One of the things I did for the wedding, were the bride and the groom. I did two sort, a smaller ones (only the head) that I left on the table for the couples that were marrying soon and others with the whole body, that I gave. They are done in crochet, following a pattern from Raverly, that I adapted so that they would look like the people receiving them. Most difficult thing was the hair, a colleague at work finally showed me how to do it so that it would look nice!