Sunday, 27 March 2011

Quan els mosques tenen set el mosquits volen tabaco III

El meu pare ja fa temps que espera que li faci alguna cosa, a mitja o cosint. Com que viatja molt, vaig decidir fer-li unes sabatilles de viatge. Vaig haver de modificar una mica les instrucctions que feia servir perqué eren una mica femenines. Vaig comprar unes teles una mica series i elegants i aquest és el resultat! De fet, vaig haver de fer les sabatilles dues vegades, em vaig equivocar i les vaig fer massa petites!

My father has been waiting for a long time that I sew or knit something for him. As the travels a lot I decided to do some slippers for him that he can take when travelling. I had to modify a little bit the pattern I had, as it was quite feminine. I bought some serious and elegant fabrics and here is the result! In fact I had to do them twice, as I made a mistake and did them too small!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Sorpresa sorpresa

De regal per una amiga li vaig preparar un dia sorpresa. I per comunicar-li on havia d'estar i el que necessitava, li faig "codificar" el missatge en un drap de cuina.  Vaig afegir els missatges en uns dibuixos que vaig imprimir en un paper especial i planxar en roba blanca de coto.  Amb una cinta en "ric-rac" per els "bordes" i ja està, fet! És molt fàcil de fer i jo trobo que m'ha quedat bastant bé.

As a gift for a friend I prepared her a suprise day. To tell her where she needed to be and what she needed to bring, I "codified" the message in a dishcloth. I added the message to some drawings that I printed in a special paper and iron into a cotton white fabric. With a ric-rac ribbon for the edges and that's it! It is really easy and quick to make and I think that it looks quite good!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Teles a casa meva

Fa molt temps que no "posto" res, ja que he estat treballant molt i després malalta.  I a més tot el que estic fent ara sòn regals i no vull penjar-los abans de tenir-los acabats i haver-los donat!

He decidit doncs ensenyar una utilitat que tenen les robes a casa meva. Les fem servir per a tapar una caixa que fa de taula per la impresora. Quan ho veig m'agrada com queda, tot i que penso que algun dia voldré fer alguna cosa amb aquesta robar i no podré. Però de totes maneres m'agrada com queda, es super fàcil de fer i no tenim una caixa tot cutre al despatx.

I haven't been posting for a long time, as I was working quite a lot and then I was sick. On top of that, everything that I'm working on are gifts and I don't want to show them until they are done and I have given them to the right people.

That is why I have decided to show an utility that we found for the fabrics in our home. We use them to cover an old box and turn it into a table for the printer. I like how it looks like, although one day I will want to use the fabric for something else and I won't be able to. But anyway, I like how it looks and it was really easy to do. At least we don't have an old box in the middle of our office.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Never not knitting

I just discovered the Never not knitting site. Apart from a very nice name, it has some nice patterns. My favourite, that I will try to do is this one (my niece I guess will get another gift... I need more kids around, if not my niece gets spoiled...).

Monday, 7 March 2011

Kid's tricot - jaqueta Kina

Finalment torno a "postear" per ensenyar-vos el regal que li he fet a la meva neboda pels seus dos anys (a part de un peluche del Mickey que ha tingut molt més éxit que el jersey, cosa esperada).

Li he fet una jaqueta de Kids tricot que es diu Kina. És molt senzilla de fer, es fa amb agulles circulars (tot i que també es pot fer amb agulles rectes) i es fa tot sencer, no s'ha de cosir res. Jo vaig utilitzar una llana de es diu Bamboulene i que era la que recomanaven a Laine et tricot, però a la web de Kids Tricot en recomanen una altre i estic segura que també queda bé. A sota algunes fotos que li vam fer, portava el pijama o sigui que no es veu molt el jersey però més o menys....

Finally I'm posting again to show you the gift that I did for my niece for her birthday (that and a Mickey that caused much more happiness that my jaquet, which I expected)

I did a Kid's tricot jaquet called Kina. It is quite easy to do, I did it with circular needles but you can also do it with straight ones. You do it all at once, you don't have to sew anything afterwards. I used a yarn called Bamboulene, that was the one recommended for that pattern in Laine et tricot, but in the web of Kids Tricot they use another one that I'm sure also looks nice.