Saturday, 19 March 2011

Teles a casa meva

Fa molt temps que no "posto" res, ja que he estat treballant molt i després malalta.  I a més tot el que estic fent ara sòn regals i no vull penjar-los abans de tenir-los acabats i haver-los donat!

He decidit doncs ensenyar una utilitat que tenen les robes a casa meva. Les fem servir per a tapar una caixa que fa de taula per la impresora. Quan ho veig m'agrada com queda, tot i que penso que algun dia voldré fer alguna cosa amb aquesta robar i no podré. Però de totes maneres m'agrada com queda, es super fàcil de fer i no tenim una caixa tot cutre al despatx.

I haven't been posting for a long time, as I was working quite a lot and then I was sick. On top of that, everything that I'm working on are gifts and I don't want to show them until they are done and I have given them to the right people.

That is why I have decided to show an utility that we found for the fabrics in our home. We use them to cover an old box and turn it into a table for the printer. I like how it looks like, although one day I will want to use the fabric for something else and I won't be able to. But anyway, I like how it looks and it was really easy to do. At least we don't have an old box in the middle of our office.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Cris! Estic investigant per fer un cobrellit, i no trobo res. Potser tú em pots ajudar. Tinc una roba molt xula estampada que vaig comprar a senegal, amb la que vull fer un cobrellit, però no em dona per cobrir el llit sencer, aixi que pensava fer uns "faldons" amb una roba llisa que he comprat avui en un outlet, semblant a la funda d'aquest post. Però jo no he cosit gaire, i volia trobar idees o patrons. Que em pots ajudar?
