Quan vaig a una ciutat estrangera m'agrada anar a buscar teles i coses de costura, ja que potser no les trobaria a Zürich. A més, a Zurich no hi ha moltes opcions per trobar teles, així que aprofito si vaig a algun lloc. A Paris vaig anar al Marché Saint Pierre a Montmatre. Apart del Marché, hi han moltes botigues de teles al voltant. Hi han molts tipus de robes, tot i que potser n'he vist des més maques. N'hi havien algunes molt mones de cotó però eren molt cares, 22 euros el metre!! El que si que em va agradar, és un lloc just al costat on venen restes o trosses de teles de uns 3 metres. Has de buscar i rebuscar però tenen bàsics (vichy, ralletes, seda de un color... ) a bon preu.
When I go to a foreign city, I like to look for fabrics and special things, that I maybe cannot find in Zürich. In Paris I went to the Marché Saint Michel in Montmatre. Apart from the Marché, you have a lot of other fabric shops around. There are very different types of fabrics, even thought not the nicests ones I have seen. There were some really nice ones in cotton, but really expensive, 22 euros a meter!!! What I like that most was a shop just nearby, where you could by fabrics pieces of around 3m. You had to look around among all fabrics but you had some basic fabrics at a very nice price.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Phildar patterns
Sempre trobo que totes les revistes que hi han de costura o de fer mitja als quioscos son bastant lletges. Tot és com una mica cutre, o molt senzill... no sé, a mi no m'acaben d'agradar. En canvi les de Phildar no tenen mala pinta (però no sé si només estàn en francés... ). Jo tinc la de aquesta temporada i hi han vàries coses que no estàn mal! (i que intento fer amb la màquina de fer mitja perqué les instruccions per fer el jersei amb la màquina també estàn incloses... ).
I always think that the magazines that you found in kiosk around sewing and knitting are not very good. Everything is very simple and not really nice, at least I don't like them. But the ones from Phildar are not bad (not sure if they are only available in French). I have the one fro this season and there are several interesting patterns (that I try in vain to do with the knitting machine, because you also have instructions on how to do them on the machine...)
Monday, 16 May 2011
Aprendre dels seus errors
Aquest cap de setmana he hagut de aprendre dels meus errors. Primer de no fer fotos quan tenia un bon tros de jersei fet a la màquina de fer mitja. Després de tot el que vaig fer malament amb la màquina de fer mitja ( potser vaig començar el jersei 10 vegades i vaig acabar el cap de setmana desfent-lo). També en sé molt ara de desfer jerseis i fer cabdells! Però de tot s'aprén i a poc a poc vaig dominant la màquina. I vaig trigar només una hora i mitja a fer el davant d' un jersei! Si hagués tingut sort n'hauria pogut acabar un en dos dies!
This weekend I had to learn from my mistakes. First, of not doing fotos when I had a quite big piece of a pullover done in my knitting machine. Secondly, of all I did wrong with this knitting machine (I had to start over at least 10 times and I ended up undoing my pullover... ) Also know I'm very good at undoing pullovers. But you learn from everything and I'm slowly starting to manage with the machine. And I only took me one hour and a half to do the front of the pullover (quite a simple one but I could have done the whole pullover in a weekend if I hadn't had so many problems!)
This weekend I had to learn from my mistakes. First, of not doing fotos when I had a quite big piece of a pullover done in my knitting machine. Secondly, of all I did wrong with this knitting machine (I had to start over at least 10 times and I ended up undoing my pullover... ) Also know I'm very good at undoing pullovers. But you learn from everything and I'm slowly starting to manage with the machine. And I only took me one hour and a half to do the front of the pullover (quite a simple one but I could have done the whole pullover in a weekend if I hadn't had so many problems!)
Monday, 9 May 2011
Classes de costura
Avui he anat a la meva primera classe de costura a Pom Pon . Tot i ser tard, i després de un dia molt llarg, m'he divertit molt. Estic fent un vestit (baby doll) . Hem començat fent una proba amb una tela barateta i va molt bé per aprendre.
Today I went to my first sewing clases at Pom Pon. Even if it was late and I had a long day, it was very funny. I'm doing a baby doll dress. We started doing a trial with a simple fabric and it is great to learn!
Today I went to my first sewing clases at Pom Pon. Even if it was late and I had a long day, it was very funny. I'm doing a baby doll dress. We started doing a trial with a simple fabric and it is great to learn!
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