Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Una altre gorro, és una obsessió!
Una altre gorro, aquest també per regal! Aquest gorro es fa molt molt ràpid, com sempre patró al Raverly. El vaig fer en dos vespres, amb agulles del 9mm i llana molt gruixuda (marca Malou) . Queda una mica molt de ski, amb el pom pom i tal, però a mi m'agrada, i a la persona que l'ha rebut també!! I fer el pom pom era com tornar a estar al parvulari, encara m'en recordava com fer-ho! Ja fa temps que el vaig fer, però com era un regal, no volia penjar-ho fins ara!
This hat is also a gift. I really did it very very quickly, in 2 evenings. I used 9mm dpn needles and a yarn called Malou). As usual you can find the pattern in Raverly. I like this hat, it looks like a ski hat, with the pom pom, but is really warm and is very cold in here, so we need those kinds of hat. Doing the pom pom I felt like being a kid again, but I'm proud of myself because I remembered how to do poms poms. I did this hat some time ago, but as it was a gift I didn't want to publish until I gave it.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Més regals, aquest una mica més especial
Aquesta vegada he fet un regal a mig començar. És per uns 30 anys i volia fer alguna cosa especial. He comprat llana Pashmina, que té una mica de cashmere i és molt suau, i faré la bufanda: extra warm men's scarf (patró gratuit - utilizo agulles de 5mm). És un punt pesadet (més que complicat pesadet, agafar tres punts a la vegada no és fàcil, sempre se m'escapen). Però com vull que sigui un regal especial, he decidit invertir temps i esforços. I de moment el resultat que tinc m'agrada molt (i no només a mi, sinó també a la persona a qui va destinada la bufanda!)
This time I gave a present that I just begun! Is for someone that is turning 30 and I wanted to do something special. I bought some Pashmina yarn, that has some cashmere and it's really soft, and I will do the extra warm men's scarf (free pattern - I'm using 5mm needles). It's a little bit hard to do (not really hard, but it takes long as to purl 3 stitches together is not easy, at least for me). But as I want to do something special, I have decided that it is worth to put some time and effort on that! And for the moment I really like the result (and the person that will get the scarf likes it as well!)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Teles del Purl Bee
He rebut aquestes teles del Purl Bee de New York (després de insitir molt als meus pares que hi anessin i em portessin algo del Purl Bee - la web està molt bé i tenen coses molt xules!). Ara he de pensar que fer amb les teles, tinc varies idees però com sempre, poc temps!
I got those fabrics from the Purl Bee in New York (after asking quite a lot of times to my parents to go there and buy something for me -the web is very nice and they have incredible stuff!). Now I have to think what to do with those, I have several ideas, but as always, no time!!!
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Hurricanne Hat II
Un altre hurricanne hat, amb la mateixa llana que el primer però un detall diferent: la papallona està posada en una imperdible i es pot canviar o treure. El gorro es un regal, després que una amiga veies el primer i em demanés que li fes un!
He tingut problemes al final del gorro, em dec haver descomptat en algun moment... però al final el resultat no està mal. Trobareu el patrò a Raverly. Jo ho he fet amb agulles del 4mm, però potser quedaria millor amb llana una mica més gruixuda (els errors i forats es veurien menys :-) )
Another hurricane hat, with the same yarn as the first one but with a different detail: the butterfly can be removed and changed. The hat is a gift, as a friend saw the first one and asked me to do one for her!
I had some problems at the end of the hat, I must missed some stitch or I miscount something... but at the end the result is not bad. You will find the pattern at Raverly. I used 4mm needles, but maybe it will look better with thicker yarn (you would see less the mistakes and the holes :-))
Luise, wenn du nach Zürich kommst dann hast du deine Mütze und wirdst du nicht kalt sein! Ich hoffe es gefällt dich!!!!
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Too much....
Tinc tants projectes i tantes coses que vull fer al cap que no dono a l'abast! Curiosament, a l'hivern em ve més de gust fer mitja que no cosir. I en mitja tinc moltes idees: gorros, mitjons, bufandes... massa idees i no sé per on començar! I de cosir també, sabatilles, acabar el meu projecte per il giocco de la creativita, pijames i altres! Tant de bó tingués més temps per tot aixó!!! Com algunes de les coses que vaig son de regal, no puc ensenyar les fotos encara!
So many projects and things that I want to do that I cannot deal with all of them! In winter, I prefer knitting than not sewing. And I have a lot of knitting to do: hats, socks, scarfs... too much ideas and I don't even know where to begin! And also a lot of sewing to do as well : home slippers, finishing the project for the il giocco de la creativita, pijamas and others! I wish I had more time to do everything!!! As some of the things I do are gifts, I cannot show any pictures yet!
So many projects and things that I want to do that I cannot deal with all of them! In winter, I prefer knitting than not sewing. And I have a lot of knitting to do: hats, socks, scarfs... too much ideas and I don't even know where to begin! And also a lot of sewing to do as well : home slippers, finishing the project for the il giocco de la creativita, pijamas and others! I wish I had more time to do everything!!! As some of the things I do are gifts, I cannot show any pictures yet!
Monday, 8 November 2010
Más vale tarde que nunca...
Finalment he acabat el mitjó que havia començat! M'ha quedat una mica raro, la linea de punts a la punta no m'ha quedat al costat, pero li dona un estil! El segon ja veurem quan el començo! Pero bueno, un mitjó val més que cap!
Finally I finished the sock that I began! It looks a little bit weird, there is a line in the middle of the sock, and not on the side but it gives some style to the sock. We will see when I will begin the other one! But better a sock than no sock!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Platjes, mar, flors i més
3 setmanes passen ràpid i ja hem tornat a casa! Han estat tres setmanes de platja, peixos, sorra, sol (de tant en tant) i flors. I apart de molts bons records i moltes fotos, hem portat també unes teles de flors. Aquestes teles les utilitzen a Nouvelle Caledonie com a regal pels jefes quan es visita una tribu. Jo ja estic pensant quines altres idees puc tenir per fer amb aquestes teles!
3 weeks go by very quickly and we are back home! Those have been 3 weeks of beaches, sand, fisches, sun (from time to time) and flowers. And apart from good memories and a lot of pictures, we have also brought back some fabrics. In New Caledonia they used them as a gift to the chief when they visit a tribe. I'm already thinking what other uses I can have for those fabrics!
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