Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Una altre gorro, és una obsessió!

Una altre gorro, aquest també per regal! Aquest gorro es fa molt molt ràpid, com sempre patró al Raverly. El vaig fer en dos vespres, amb agulles del 9mm i llana molt gruixuda (marca Malou) . Queda una mica molt de ski, amb el pom pom i tal, però a mi m'agrada, i a la persona que l'ha rebut també!! I fer el pom pom era com tornar a estar al parvulari, encara m'en recordava com fer-ho! Ja fa temps que el vaig fer, però com era un regal, no volia penjar-ho fins ara!

This hat is also a gift. I really did it very very quickly, in 2 evenings. I used 9mm dpn needles and a yarn called Malou).  As usual you can find the pattern in Raverly. I like this hat, it looks like a ski hat, with the pom pom, but is really warm and is very cold in here, so we need those kinds of hat. Doing the pom pom I felt like being a kid again, but I'm proud of myself because I remembered how to do poms poms. I did this hat some time ago, but as it was a gift I didn't want to publish until I gave it.

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