Aquesta vegada he fet un regal a mig començar. És per uns 30 anys i volia fer alguna cosa especial. He comprat llana Pashmina, que té una mica de cashmere i és molt suau, i faré la bufanda: extra warm men's scarf (patró gratuit - utilizo agulles de 5mm). És un punt pesadet (més que complicat pesadet, agafar tres punts a la vegada no és fàcil, sempre se m'escapen). Però com vull que sigui un regal especial, he decidit invertir temps i esforços. I de moment el resultat que tinc m'agrada molt (i no només a mi, sinó també a la persona a qui va destinada la bufanda!)
This time I gave a present that I just begun! Is for someone that is turning 30 and I wanted to do something special. I bought some Pashmina yarn, that has some cashmere and it's really soft, and I will do the extra warm men's scarf (free pattern - I'm using 5mm needles). It's a little bit hard to do (not really hard, but it takes long as to purl 3 stitches together is not easy, at least for me). But as I want to do something special, I have decided that it is worth to put some time and effort on that! And for the moment I really like the result (and the person that will get the scarf likes it as well!)
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