Us presento a la Maruchi treintañera, un regal que he fet per una amiga. L'he intentat fer com ella, molt modernilla... (bueno les metxes son una mica a lo Mónica Naranjo perqué no tenia una altre llana). Espero que li hagi agradat!
Friday, 23 December 2011
Friday, 25 November 2011
Ultimament no posto gaire. No és que no faci res, però tot ho preparo per la boda, i com que vull que sigui sorpresa, no puc penjar res (després de la boda, ja postaré fotos de tot!). Així que de moment, unes fotos de una bosseta molt senzilla que em vaig fer per dur al bolso.
Lately I don't post much. It is not that I'm not doing anything, but everything for the wedding, and as I want it to be a surprise, I cannot show anything. So for the moment, just a very simple small bag that I did to carry the small stuff that I have in my handbag.
Lately I don't post much. It is not that I'm not doing anything, but everything for the wedding, and as I want it to be a surprise, I cannot show anything. So for the moment, just a very simple small bag that I did to carry the small stuff that I have in my handbag.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
NEW! Crochet!
Estic molt orgullosa de mi mateixa perquè he aprés a fer ganxet. Feia temps ho havia probat i no m'havia acabat d'agradar, no li vaig agafar el "truco". Però volia molt aprendre a fer "amigurumis" (aquests monigotes de ganxet) així que ho vaig tornar a intentar. I de moment no ho faig malament... però no us puc ensenyar el resultat, que és un regal!
I'm very proud of myself because I learned how to crochet! I had tried it long ago but I have really never gotten into it. Now I really wanted to learn to do amigurumis, and I tried again. I'm now more or less ok... but I can't show you what I'm working on because it's a gift!
I'm very proud of myself because I learned how to crochet! I had tried it long ago but I have really never gotten into it. Now I really wanted to learn to do amigurumis, and I tried again. I'm now more or less ok... but I can't show you what I'm working on because it's a gift!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Comencem amb el que he fet més recentment: La Cornelia. La Cornelia és una nina suissa amb orígens anglesos (el patró ve de un llibre anglés que em va regalar el meu germà). Aquí teniu la Cornelia amb varis modelets que li he fet. Em pensava que seria més complicada de fer del que és.
1.- Vestit modernillo amb detall de cinturó:
1.- Vestit modernillo amb detall de cinturó:
2.- Un model una mica més floral:
Let me introduce you to Cornelia, a swiss doll with English origins (the pattern comes from a english book my brother gave me for Christmas). I have done different clothes, including a wedding dress!
I'm back!
Fa molt temps que no "posto" res. Però això no vol dir que no hagi estat cosint i fent mitja. Simplement hi han hagut molts canvis i novetats aquest estiu i el blog ha quedat una mica oblidat. Però a veure si em poso al dia i vaig fent posts de les meves creacions de l'estiu.
I haven't posted for a long time. That doesn't mean that I didn't saw or knitted anything. Just that there were quite a lot of changes and new stuff this summer and the blog was somehow forgotten. But I will try to get up to date and post about my summer creations.
I haven't posted for a long time. That doesn't mean that I didn't saw or knitted anything. Just that there were quite a lot of changes and new stuff this summer and the blog was somehow forgotten. But I will try to get up to date and post about my summer creations.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Comprar teles a Paris
Quan vaig a una ciutat estrangera m'agrada anar a buscar teles i coses de costura, ja que potser no les trobaria a Zürich. A més, a Zurich no hi ha moltes opcions per trobar teles, així que aprofito si vaig a algun lloc. A Paris vaig anar al Marché Saint Pierre a Montmatre. Apart del Marché, hi han moltes botigues de teles al voltant. Hi han molts tipus de robes, tot i que potser n'he vist des més maques. N'hi havien algunes molt mones de cotó però eren molt cares, 22 euros el metre!! El que si que em va agradar, és un lloc just al costat on venen restes o trosses de teles de uns 3 metres. Has de buscar i rebuscar però tenen bàsics (vichy, ralletes, seda de un color... ) a bon preu.
When I go to a foreign city, I like to look for fabrics and special things, that I maybe cannot find in Zürich. In Paris I went to the Marché Saint Michel in Montmatre. Apart from the Marché, you have a lot of other fabric shops around. There are very different types of fabrics, even thought not the nicests ones I have seen. There were some really nice ones in cotton, but really expensive, 22 euros a meter!!! What I like that most was a shop just nearby, where you could by fabrics pieces of around 3m. You had to look around among all fabrics but you had some basic fabrics at a very nice price.
When I go to a foreign city, I like to look for fabrics and special things, that I maybe cannot find in Zürich. In Paris I went to the Marché Saint Michel in Montmatre. Apart from the Marché, you have a lot of other fabric shops around. There are very different types of fabrics, even thought not the nicests ones I have seen. There were some really nice ones in cotton, but really expensive, 22 euros a meter!!! What I like that most was a shop just nearby, where you could by fabrics pieces of around 3m. You had to look around among all fabrics but you had some basic fabrics at a very nice price.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Phildar patterns
Sempre trobo que totes les revistes que hi han de costura o de fer mitja als quioscos son bastant lletges. Tot és com una mica cutre, o molt senzill... no sé, a mi no m'acaben d'agradar. En canvi les de Phildar no tenen mala pinta (però no sé si només estàn en francés... ). Jo tinc la de aquesta temporada i hi han vàries coses que no estàn mal! (i que intento fer amb la màquina de fer mitja perqué les instruccions per fer el jersei amb la màquina també estàn incloses... ).
I always think that the magazines that you found in kiosk around sewing and knitting are not very good. Everything is very simple and not really nice, at least I don't like them. But the ones from Phildar are not bad (not sure if they are only available in French). I have the one fro this season and there are several interesting patterns (that I try in vain to do with the knitting machine, because you also have instructions on how to do them on the machine...)
Monday, 16 May 2011
Aprendre dels seus errors
Aquest cap de setmana he hagut de aprendre dels meus errors. Primer de no fer fotos quan tenia un bon tros de jersei fet a la màquina de fer mitja. Després de tot el que vaig fer malament amb la màquina de fer mitja ( potser vaig començar el jersei 10 vegades i vaig acabar el cap de setmana desfent-lo). També en sé molt ara de desfer jerseis i fer cabdells! Però de tot s'aprén i a poc a poc vaig dominant la màquina. I vaig trigar només una hora i mitja a fer el davant d' un jersei! Si hagués tingut sort n'hauria pogut acabar un en dos dies!
This weekend I had to learn from my mistakes. First, of not doing fotos when I had a quite big piece of a pullover done in my knitting machine. Secondly, of all I did wrong with this knitting machine (I had to start over at least 10 times and I ended up undoing my pullover... ) Also know I'm very good at undoing pullovers. But you learn from everything and I'm slowly starting to manage with the machine. And I only took me one hour and a half to do the front of the pullover (quite a simple one but I could have done the whole pullover in a weekend if I hadn't had so many problems!)
This weekend I had to learn from my mistakes. First, of not doing fotos when I had a quite big piece of a pullover done in my knitting machine. Secondly, of all I did wrong with this knitting machine (I had to start over at least 10 times and I ended up undoing my pullover... ) Also know I'm very good at undoing pullovers. But you learn from everything and I'm slowly starting to manage with the machine. And I only took me one hour and a half to do the front of the pullover (quite a simple one but I could have done the whole pullover in a weekend if I hadn't had so many problems!)
Monday, 9 May 2011
Classes de costura
Avui he anat a la meva primera classe de costura a Pom Pon . Tot i ser tard, i després de un dia molt llarg, m'he divertit molt. Estic fent un vestit (baby doll) . Hem començat fent una proba amb una tela barateta i va molt bé per aprendre.
Today I went to my first sewing clases at Pom Pon. Even if it was late and I had a long day, it was very funny. I'm doing a baby doll dress. We started doing a trial with a simple fabric and it is great to learn!
Today I went to my first sewing clases at Pom Pon. Even if it was late and I had a long day, it was very funny. I'm doing a baby doll dress. We started doing a trial with a simple fabric and it is great to learn!
Friday, 29 April 2011
La meva nova màquina de fer mitja!
Una de les coses que he recuperat per fer mitja és una màquina de fer mitja. No sabia ni que existien! Aquesta és dels anys 70 i té tot el necessari. L'he netejada i la he provada i funciona!!!! A youtube hi han uns video (dels anys 80, tot molt retro) que t'ensenyen a fer servir aquest tipus de màquina. Es pot fer mitja molt ràpid. Em sembla que no pots fer tots els tipus de punt, pero jerseis i jaquetes i mitjons.... uiiuiu em poso nerviosa només de pensar en tot el que es pot fer. A més la marca Phildar té revistes de patrons on ja et diuen quins patrons es poden fer a màquina i com fer-ho! Treu una mica la gràcia de fer mitja manual, pero si tenim em compte que no tinc paciència, aquesta és la unica manera en que puc fer jerseis per adults!.
Aquest és el resultat de la primera proba.
Here the result of the first try.
One of the things that I have recuperated is a knitting machine. I didn't even know they existed!!! This one if from the 70's and has everything needed. I have cleaned and tried it and it worked. In youtube you can find some videos on how to use those machines. You can knit really quick. I don't think you can do all types of knits, but you can do sweaters, socks... I get nervous if I think of everything that I can do. The brand Phildar has pattern magazines with instructions for knitting machines. It loses a little bit of the charm of knitting, but taking into account I'm not patient, using the machine might be the only way for me to do adult sweaters.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Jersei per bébé recient nascut
Per una amiga que ha tingut una nena, li he fet aquest jersei. És una patro que vaig trobar a internet i el vaig modificar perqué fos talla recient nascut (volia molt que li anés bé quan nasqués) i a més el vaig fer obert (jaqueta) per darrera perqué fos més fàcil de posar. Les mànigues m'han quedat petites ( 2- 3 cm de més hauria estat millor) i el jersei és molt just de talla, hauré de cambiar una mica el patro perqué no sigui tan petit. Ah i fer linies blanques petites en una jaqueta vol dir cosir moltes puntes de llana ja que cada passada s'ha de canviar el color i començar després a l'altre costat. Però valia la pena perqué m'agrada molt el resultat!
For a friend that just had a baby I made this small sweater. Is a pattern that I found on the internet and that I have modified to make it newborn size ( I wanted that it would fit when the baby was born) and I did it open in the back so that it would be easier for the mother. The sleeves are a little bit too short (2 or 3 cm would have been better) and the sweater is a little bit tight. I will change the pattern to take that into account and to make sure it is not that small. Doing small white lines can be painful, as you have to start on one side and then cut the yarn on the other one and sew them all that the end, but the result was very good!
For a friend that just had a baby I made this small sweater. Is a pattern that I found on the internet and that I have modified to make it newborn size ( I wanted that it would fit when the baby was born) and I did it open in the back so that it would be easier for the mother. The sleeves are a little bit too short (2 or 3 cm would have been better) and the sweater is a little bit tight. I will change the pattern to take that into account and to make sure it is not that small. Doing small white lines can be painful, as you have to start on one side and then cut the yarn on the other one and sew them all that the end, but the result was very good!
Monday, 25 April 2011
Moltes coses noves!
Aquestes vacances he aconseguit moltes coses noves per fer mitja! Entre les quals hi han unes instruccions antigues de com fer diferents punts de mitja. Aniré traduint les instruccions dels punts més interestants o aquells que vagi probant.
Those holidays I have gotten a lot of things to knit! Among those, I have some old instructions on how to make different knits (in French). I will translate the most interesting one or the ones that I try!
Those holidays I have gotten a lot of things to knit! Among those, I have some old instructions on how to make different knits (in French). I will translate the most interesting one or the ones that I try!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Lo prometido es deuda
He acabat les sabatilles per la meva germana (no puc més de fer aquestes sabatilles!!). He cambiat el ric-rac per una altre cinta, que resulta més fàcil de cosir i m'agrada com queda! Espero que aquestes no siguin massa petites.
I finished the home slippers for my sister (I'm a little bit sick of doing slippers!). I changed the rick- rack for another kind of ribbon, that it's easier to sew and that looks nice. I hope this ones will not be too small...
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Cap de setmana de costura - faldilla 2
Aquesta faldilla es fa molt molt molt ràpid. Necesita un tros de tela molt gran, perqué es talla una rodona sencera, però es cus realment molt ràpid. Té un elàstic a la cintura, cosa que fa que s'hagi de portar amb una camiseta una mica llarga perqué no es vegi, però l'elàstic la fa molt còmoda i s'adapta a variacions de pes :-) . Trobo que em va quedar una mica curta, però ara ja sé que hauré de tallar una mica més de roba la pròxima vegada.
This skirt is done really really quick. You only need a big piece of fabric, as it is cut in only one bit. There is an elastic band on the waist so you have to wear a long T-shirt so it won't show. But it is very comfortable and adapts to weight changes :-). Next time I will do it a little bit longer, it looks just a bit too short for me now.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Cap de setmana de costura
Aquest cap de setmana he cosit molt. El sol i la llum que entra a casa em donen ganes de cosir! Aniré "postant" les diverses coses que he acabat, però començo per el que m'agrada menys. Volia molt fer una faldilla del weekend sewing, una faldilla llarga molt estiuenca. Ho volia fer amb una roba de floretes. En vaig trobar una verda que em van encantar i es podia combinar amb una de puntets per fer la cintura de la faldilla. Quedava monissim! Resulta però que no hi havia prou roba verda (es necessiten 2.50 m per fer la faldilla). Llavors ja no sabia que fer. M'agrada molt els punts i les flors juntes! Tenia dos options: escollir una roba de flors groga i fer-ho tot amb la mateixa roba o fer una combinacio una mica rara de la roba verda i de puntets. Endevineu que vaig escollir... A veure quan aprenc a no ser tan impacient i a pensar les coses dues vegades, la faldilla no està malament, però tota groga hagués sigut millor! Per cert, la faldilla no està totalment acabada, falta fer el baix (que es fa a mà)
This weekend I have been sewing a lot. The sun and the light that I have on my sewing room make me want to sew! I will post the different stuff that I have finished, but I begin with what I like less. I wanted to do a skirt from weekend sewing, a long summer skirt. I wanted to use a flower fabric. I found a green one that I really liked and that I could combine with one dotted fabric for the belt. I looked great! But then it turned out there wasn't enough green fabric (you need quite a lot for the skirt). I didn't know what to do, I really like the combination! I had to options, either choose a yellow fabric and do everything with the same or then make a somehow weird combination of the green and dotted ones. Guess what I have chosen. I guess I have to learn not to be impatient and think twice. The skirt is not bad, but it would have looked much better all in yellow! The skirt is not yet finish, the hem is missing!
This weekend I have been sewing a lot. The sun and the light that I have on my sewing room make me want to sew! I will post the different stuff that I have finished, but I begin with what I like less. I wanted to do a skirt from weekend sewing, a long summer skirt. I wanted to use a flower fabric. I found a green one that I really liked and that I could combine with one dotted fabric for the belt. I looked great! But then it turned out there wasn't enough green fabric (you need quite a lot for the skirt). I didn't know what to do, I really like the combination! I had to options, either choose a yellow fabric and do everything with the same or then make a somehow weird combination of the green and dotted ones. Guess what I have chosen. I guess I have to learn not to be impatient and think twice. The skirt is not bad, but it would have looked much better all in yellow! The skirt is not yet finish, the hem is missing!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Mitja d'hivern, costura d'estiu
Quan arriba l'estiu tinc moltes més ganes de cosir i en canvi a l'hivern faig molta més mitja. A l'estiu la llana no ve gaire de gust i en canvi hi han moltes coses fàcils de cosir que es poden utilitzar a l'estiu: bosses, faldilles, shorts...
Així que amb el primer cap de setmana de bon temps, ja tinc moltes idees de noves coses: uns shorts amb les teles que vaig portar de Nova Caledonia, una faldilla del weekend sewing, un vestit per la neboda... I encara he d'acabar vàries coses!!!
When the summer comes I feel much more like sewing, and in winter I knit much more. In summer you just don't feel like knitting (and you don't use as much knitted stuff) and in summer there are a lot of sewed things that you can use: bags, shorts, skirts...
So, last weekend was the first weekend of good weather and I already have a lot of ideas: a shorts with the fabrics I brought from New Caledonia, a skirt from the weekend sewing book, a dress for my niece. So many new ideas and I still have a lot to finish!
Així que amb el primer cap de setmana de bon temps, ja tinc moltes idees de noves coses: uns shorts amb les teles que vaig portar de Nova Caledonia, una faldilla del weekend sewing, un vestit per la neboda... I encara he d'acabar vàries coses!!!
When the summer comes I feel much more like sewing, and in winter I knit much more. In summer you just don't feel like knitting (and you don't use as much knitted stuff) and in summer there are a lot of sewed things that you can use: bags, shorts, skirts...
So, last weekend was the first weekend of good weather and I already have a lot of ideas: a shorts with the fabrics I brought from New Caledonia, a skirt from the weekend sewing book, a dress for my niece. So many new ideas and I still have a lot to finish!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Canvis en el meu "atelier"
Avui hem anat a Ikea (hem aconseguit comprar tot el que necessitavem en una hora!!! estem impresionats de la nostra eficàcia). I hem cambiat una mica la habitacio de convidats/zona de costura. Hem comprat una estanteria molt senzilla i que jo trobo que queda bastant bé, és pràctica per guardar tot i a més és magnètica i puc penjar fotos i coses! Quan afegeixi el que em van regalar pel meu cumple (ja ho veureu... ) quedarà perfecte!
Today we went to Ikea ( we manage to get everything we needed in one hour, we are very proud of ourselves). We changed a little bit the guestroom/ sewing area. We bought a very simple shelf that I think looks good, is practical and is magnetic and I can hang photos and other things! When I will add the gift that I got from my birthday it will look great!
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Quan els mosques tenen set el mosquits volen tabaco III
El meu pare ja fa temps que espera que li faci alguna cosa, a mitja o cosint. Com que viatja molt, vaig decidir fer-li unes sabatilles de viatge. Vaig haver de modificar una mica les instrucctions que feia servir perqué eren una mica femenines. Vaig comprar unes teles una mica series i elegants i aquest és el resultat! De fet, vaig haver de fer les sabatilles dues vegades, em vaig equivocar i les vaig fer massa petites!
My father has been waiting for a long time that I sew or knit something for him. As the travels a lot I decided to do some slippers for him that he can take when travelling. I had to modify a little bit the pattern I had, as it was quite feminine. I bought some serious and elegant fabrics and here is the result! In fact I had to do them twice, as I made a mistake and did them too small!
Friday, 25 March 2011
Sorpresa sorpresa
De regal per una amiga li vaig preparar un dia sorpresa. I per comunicar-li on havia d'estar i el que necessitava, li faig "codificar" el missatge en un drap de cuina. Vaig afegir els missatges en uns dibuixos que vaig imprimir en un paper especial i planxar en roba blanca de coto. Amb una cinta en "ric-rac" per els "bordes" i ja està, fet! És molt fàcil de fer i jo trobo que m'ha quedat bastant bé.
As a gift for a friend I prepared her a suprise day. To tell her where she needed to be and what she needed to bring, I "codified" the message in a dishcloth. I added the message to some drawings that I printed in a special paper and iron into a cotton white fabric. With a ric-rac ribbon for the edges and that's it! It is really easy and quick to make and I think that it looks quite good!
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Teles a casa meva
Fa molt temps que no "posto" res, ja que he estat treballant molt i després malalta. I a més tot el que estic fent ara sòn regals i no vull penjar-los abans de tenir-los acabats i haver-los donat!
He decidit doncs ensenyar una utilitat que tenen les robes a casa meva. Les fem servir per a tapar una caixa que fa de taula per la impresora. Quan ho veig m'agrada com queda, tot i que penso que algun dia voldré fer alguna cosa amb aquesta robar i no podré. Però de totes maneres m'agrada com queda, es super fàcil de fer i no tenim una caixa tot cutre al despatx.
I haven't been posting for a long time, as I was working quite a lot and then I was sick. On top of that, everything that I'm working on are gifts and I don't want to show them until they are done and I have given them to the right people.
That is why I have decided to show an utility that we found for the fabrics in our home. We use them to cover an old box and turn it into a table for the printer. I like how it looks like, although one day I will want to use the fabric for something else and I won't be able to. But anyway, I like how it looks and it was really easy to do. At least we don't have an old box in the middle of our office.
He decidit doncs ensenyar una utilitat que tenen les robes a casa meva. Les fem servir per a tapar una caixa que fa de taula per la impresora. Quan ho veig m'agrada com queda, tot i que penso que algun dia voldré fer alguna cosa amb aquesta robar i no podré. Però de totes maneres m'agrada com queda, es super fàcil de fer i no tenim una caixa tot cutre al despatx.
I haven't been posting for a long time, as I was working quite a lot and then I was sick. On top of that, everything that I'm working on are gifts and I don't want to show them until they are done and I have given them to the right people.
That is why I have decided to show an utility that we found for the fabrics in our home. We use them to cover an old box and turn it into a table for the printer. I like how it looks like, although one day I will want to use the fabric for something else and I won't be able to. But anyway, I like how it looks and it was really easy to do. At least we don't have an old box in the middle of our office.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Never not knitting
I just discovered the Never not knitting site. Apart from a very nice name, it has some nice patterns. My favourite, that I will try to do is this one (my niece I guess will get another gift... I need more kids around, if not my niece gets spoiled...).
Monday, 7 March 2011
Kid's tricot - jaqueta Kina
Finalment torno a "postear" per ensenyar-vos el regal que li he fet a la meva neboda pels seus dos anys (a part de un peluche del Mickey que ha tingut molt més éxit que el jersey, cosa esperada).
Li he fet una jaqueta de Kids tricot que es diu Kina. És molt senzilla de fer, es fa amb agulles circulars (tot i que també es pot fer amb agulles rectes) i es fa tot sencer, no s'ha de cosir res. Jo vaig utilitzar una llana de es diu Bamboulene i que era la que recomanaven a Laine et tricot, però a la web de Kids Tricot en recomanen una altre i estic segura que també queda bé. A sota algunes fotos que li vam fer, portava el pijama o sigui que no es veu molt el jersey però més o menys....
Finally I'm posting again to show you the gift that I did for my niece for her birthday (that and a Mickey that caused much more happiness that my jaquet, which I expected)
I did a Kid's tricot jaquet called Kina. It is quite easy to do, I did it with circular needles but you can also do it with straight ones. You do it all at once, you don't have to sew anything afterwards. I used a yarn called Bamboulene, that was the one recommended for that pattern in Laine et tricot, but in the web of Kids Tricot they use another one that I'm sure also looks nice.
Li he fet una jaqueta de Kids tricot que es diu Kina. És molt senzilla de fer, es fa amb agulles circulars (tot i que també es pot fer amb agulles rectes) i es fa tot sencer, no s'ha de cosir res. Jo vaig utilitzar una llana de es diu Bamboulene i que era la que recomanaven a Laine et tricot, però a la web de Kids Tricot en recomanen una altre i estic segura que també queda bé. A sota algunes fotos que li vam fer, portava el pijama o sigui que no es veu molt el jersey però més o menys....
Finally I'm posting again to show you the gift that I did for my niece for her birthday (that and a Mickey that caused much more happiness that my jaquet, which I expected)
I did a Kid's tricot jaquet called Kina. It is quite easy to do, I did it with circular needles but you can also do it with straight ones. You do it all at once, you don't have to sew anything afterwards. I used a yarn called Bamboulene, that was the one recommended for that pattern in Laine et tricot, but in the web of Kids Tricot they use another one that I'm sure also looks nice.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Too much travelling...and not enough knitting
Too much working as well :-)
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Quan les mosques tenen set, els mosquits volen tabaco II
He acabat el gorro que vaig començar la setmana passada. El patró es diu . Em va costar una mica pillar el patró, però en realitat es molt fàcil i es fa molt ràpid. La talla mitjana, que és la que vaig fer jo, queda una mica petita (en tot cas per mi, que tampoc és que tingui un cap tan gran). O sigui que recomanaria fer la gran en cas de dubte.
I finished the hat that I started last week. The pattern is called . I took some time to understand the instructions, but in reality it is very easy and quick to do. The medium size, the one that I did, is a little bit small, at least in my case (and I don't think I have a huge head). I would recommend to do a bigger size in case of doubt.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Blog del Purl Bee - mil projectes ideals!
Buscant patrons al Raverly, he trobat aquest link per aquesta bufanda al blog del purl bee. La hem trobat molt mona i he decidit que val un post. Intentaré trobar la llana a Suissa per fer-la, i ja us diré com va. El punt sembla complicadet, però queda molt bé! Al blog del Purl hi ha mil altres projectes per fer cosint o en mitja.
Looking for patterns at Raverly, I found this link for this cowl on the purl bee blog. I found it soo cute that I decided I was worth a post. I will try to find the right yarn in Switzerland to do it and I'll keep you updated on how it goes! The stitch looks complicated but it looks great! On the Purl Bee blog there are also other sewing and knitting projects, I highly recommend it!
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Quan les mosques tenen set, els mosquits volen tabaco
Com que encara no havia equipat a tothom pel fred polar que fa a Suissa, estic fent un altre gorro, seguint un patrò com sempre del Raverly. M'he oblidat del nom, el posaré amb la foto del gorro acabat!
As I didn't equipped everyone for the cold in Switzerland, I'm now doing another hat, following a Raverly pattern as always. I forgot the pattern name, I'll post it with the foto of the finished hat!
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Que no es refredin les idees!
My friends came to Switzerland to ski and to make sure that they would not be cold, I did a hat for each one of them, in different colors and with my logo on one side. The pattern is the very warm hat pattern that can be found in Raverly. Some of the pom poms where moving a little bit, but we could arrange that. And now they are ready for the cold!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Més sabatilles
Aquí unes altres sabatilles del llibre Weekend Sewing. Aquesta vegada he fet una bossa per portar les sabatilles (ara són sabatilles de viatge).
Here another pair of slippers done with the pattern from Weekend Sewing. This time I made a bag to carry them, so they are now Travel Slippers!
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Uns 6 mesos més tard d'haver comprat la tela, finalment m'he decidit a fer el pijama! L'he fet com els altres que havia fet d'estiu, però aquesta vegada amb pantalons llargs i a més hi he afegit butxaques (m'han quedat una mica baixes però tampoc és un drama!
6 months after buying the fabrics, I finally did the pijama! I did like it did the summer ones, following the Weekend Sewing pattern (see older posts), but this time with longer pants and I added the pockets (they are a little bit low, but it is not that bad!)
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